Chief Dan George credited as playing...
Lone Watie
- Lone Watie: Guess we ain't going to see that little Navajo girl again.
- Josey Wales: Nah, I guess not. I kinda liked her. But then, it's always like that.
- Lone Watie: Like what?
- Josey Wales: Whenever I get to likin' someone, they ain't around long.
- Lone Watie: I notice when you get to DISlikin' someone they ain't around for long neither.
- Lone Watie: [realizes Josey has snuck up behind and pulled a gun on him] They said a man could get rich on reward money if he could kill you.
- Josey Wales: Seems like you was looking to gain some money here.
- Lone Watie: Actually, I was looking to gain an edge. I thought you might be someone who would sneak up behind me with a gun.
- Josey Wales: Where'd you ever get an idea like that? Besides it ain't supposed to be easy to sneak up behind an Indian
- Lone Watie: I'm an Indian, all right; but here in the nation they call us the "civilized tribe." They call us "civilized" because we're easy to sneak up on. White men have been sneaking up on us for years.
- Lone Watie: I didn't surrender, but they took my horse and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas, I bet.
- Lone Watie: We thought about it for a long time, "Endeavor to persevere." And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Union.
- Lone Watie: [Josey has walked up on Lone and Moonlight having sex] Howdy.
- Josey Wales: Howdy.
- Lone Watie: Somethin' wrong?
- Josey Wales: Uh, no.
- Lone Watie: I guess you were right.
- [smiles]
- Lone Watie: I ain't that old after all.
- Josey Wales: You have any food here?
- Lone Watie: All I have is a piece of hard rock candy. But it's not for eatin'. It's just for lookin' through.
- [Josey and Lone Watie are relaxing after Moonlight has cooked for them]
- Lone Watie: That meal was damn good. I'm gonna take up teepee livin' if it's like this. You know she thinks I'm some kind of a Cherokee chief.
- Josey Wales: I wonder where she ever got that idea.
- Lone Watie: I'm gettin' better at sneaking up on you like this. Only an Indian can do something like this.
- Josey Wales: That's what I figured.
- Lone Watie: You figured?
- Josey Wales: Only an Indian could do something like that.
- [Lone Watie hears a gun cock behind him; turns and sees Moonlight]
- Lone Watie: It's not right, this damn woman doing something like this to me. I used to have power. Now old age is creeping up on me.
- Josey Wales: More like old habits than old age.
- Lone Watie: How did you know which one was goin' to shoot first?
- Josie Wales: Well, that one in the center, he had a flap holster and he was in no itchin' hurry. And the one second from the left, he had scared eyes; he wasn't gonna do nothin'. But that one on the far left, he had crazy eyes. Figured him to make the first move.
- Lone Watie: How 'bout the one on the right?
- Josie Wales: Never paid him no mind; you were there.
- Lone Watie: I could have missed.
- [Grandma Sarah notices that Lone Watie has painted his face]
- Grandma Sarah: What's all that paint about?
- Lone Watie: It's my death face.
- Grandma Sarah: You know, we're sure gonna show them redskins somethin' tomorrow. No offense meant.
- Lone Watie: None taken.
- Grandma Sarah: This Mr. Wales is a cold-blooded killer. He's from Missouri where they're all known to be killers of innocent men, women, and children.
- Lone Watie: Would you rather be riding with Comancheros, Granny?
- Grandma Sarah: No, I wouldn't.
- Captain Terrill: [to Josey] Josey Wales! You're all alone now, Wales!
- Lone Watie: [Extending a rifle barrel from a cabin window] Well, he's not exactly *alone*.
- Lone Watie: wore this frock coat in Washington, before the war. We wore them because we belonged to the five civilized tribes. We dressed ourselves up like Abraham Lincoln. We only got to see the Secretary of the Interior, and he said: "Boy! You boys sure look civilized.!" he congratulated us and gave us medals for looking so civilized. We told him about how our land had been stolen and our people were dying. When we finished he shook our hands and said, "endeavor to persevere!" They stood us in a line: John Jumper, Chili McIntosh, Buffalo Hump, Jim Buckmark, and me - I am Lone Watie. They took our pictures. And the newspapers said, "Indians vow to endeavor to persevere."
- Lone Watie: A horned toad can tell you which way to go. I used to know all these things when I was young. But when I got civilized, I forgot all these things. I didn't know which way to go. The horned toad says we should go to Mexico.
- Carpetbagger: This is the very best thing for those who can't handle their liquor.
- Lone Watie: What's in it?
- Carpetbagger: I don't know. Various things. I'm only the salesman.
- Lone Watie: You drink it.