- The film had 45 extra minutes of footage added to it for its two-part TV premiere.
- Additional scenes include the following:
- A lengthy scene in a Surubaya bar showing Prescott drugging a Petrox crewman.
- A scene of Joe & Boan playing cards & being interrupted by a Captain Ross on the loudspeaker calling all hands to assemble in the mess room. Boan wisecracking about Petrox bought by Howard Hughes & working for the CIA.
- A scene of a Mexican crew member named Garcia spying on Dwan while she's showering,ends with Jack tossing Garcia overboard with a life preserver.
- A scene showing the crew watching an old movie on TV. Roy Bagley observing the oil-like substance under a microscope, he swigs some wine & calls for a boat to take him ashore.
- Longer battle between Kong & the gigantic snake,ends with an alternate and less gory take of Kong killing the snake & beating his chest.
- Extra footage of Kong breaking through the wall.
- Before Jack enters Dwan's dressing room he is confronted by a security guard.
- Additional dialogue between Dwan & Wilson.
- During Kong's rampage a Petrox head executive tells Wilson he's fired.
- After Kong steps on Wilson,the camera pulls back to reveal that all that's left in Kong's footprint is Wilson's hat.
- A scene of Dwan & Jack talking & running down a street trying to hot-wire a Chevrolet Corvette.
- A scene of a car running in front of Kong, Kong picks it up (the car used was a 1974 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham) & throws it against a building, where it explodes.
- The three hour, two-part television version also includes:
- A longer scene of Kong attacking the elevated train.
- A longer scene of Kong hiding from search helicopters at the East River waterfront.
- -Additional dialogue between Jack and Dwan in the bar.
- -Two brief, additional clips of the military gaurding the Queensboro Bridge.
- -An alternate, extended scene of Kong destroying the power station.
- -A longer scene of the City Official concurring with military advisors at City Hall, including a general telling the official they don't have time to get Prescott's head examined, and another advisor telling the official that standing around won't get him votes.
- Extended scene of Kong peering in the window at Dwan in the bar.
- A short scene of a military official ordering jet fighters to be aborted and choppers sent in instead.
- A scene of Jack stealing a discarded ten-speed bike and racing after Kong down a New York street.
- Three short clips of Kong lumbering down Wall Street with Dwan in hand.
- A brief clip of the helicopter gunships taking off.
- An extended scene of Kong climbing the World Trade Center and pausing to rest a moment about halfway up.
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