155 of 413 found this moderate
A scene which is in slow-motion that lasts around a minute, takes place in a schoolgirl's locker room where young teen girls are seen getting dressed and showering. Full frontal nudity is seen repeatedly, which includes bare breasts and pubic hair, several girls appear with shaved vaginas. Close-up shots of a girl washing her body brief nudity showing her rear.
A girl performing oral sex on her boyfriend.
A close-up shot of a Carrie's nipples briefly poking through her dress as her and her mother have a brief back and forth about it.
As Carrie takes a bath, her cleavage briefly seen. Nipples are not visible.
A girl starts her period in the middle of a speech. Blood is briefly seen on her pants.
Carrie's mother called breasts "Dirty pillows".
133 of 212 found this severe
A teen girl gets her first period; blood is seen running down her leg.
A teen girl is often in conflict with her mother (her mother frequently slaps her).
A teen girl uses her telekinesis to make a boy riding a bike fall off (he is slightly injured).
A teenage boy kills pigs (We only see the hammer swinging up and down, we hear the pigs squealing)
A teen girl is doused in blood.
A high-pressured hose crashes people into tables.
A teacher slaps her students.
A teen boy slaps his girlfriend during an argument.
121 of 196 found this moderate
Shit, fuck, ass, bitch, pussy, tits.
142 of 178 found this mild
People drink alcoholic beverages and smoke cigarettes.
133 of 195 found this severe
A girl has a bucket of pig blood dumped on her.
Teacher slaps their students.
Carrie's mother, Margaret White, is a religious zealot who verbally, emotionally and even physically abuses her daughter, and takes a sadistic pleasure in doing so.