179 of 336 found this mild
A patient is caught sleeping with a prostitute. He runs out of the bedroom naked. Bare buttocks are shown. He then briefly trips and falls on the ground. Partial scrotum can be seen.
The main character, McMurphy, makes gestures that imply masturbation. He also makes many crude sexual references throughout the movie.
There are numerous implications of sexual activity throughout the movie
McMurphy holds up a playing card that has a photo of a woman's bare butt and asks "Where do you suppose she lives?"
Some sexual jokes and dialogue and two brief instance of non-graphic nudity.
No sex. Just some nudity after the sex, but the act is never shown.
Several male patients are shown in their boxer shorts.
Some mild sexual discussion
A side view of bare breasts are shown briefly for a couple of seconds.
134 of 216 found this moderate
At many points during the film, the patients fight the orderlies. Many punches are thrown and it's violent and disturbing.
A man tries to choke a woman.
A character falls onto broken glass. Some blood is seen. This isn't violent but can be somewhat shocking.
A person slits their throat with a shard of glass. The act is not seen but we do see blood around their head, the walls and floor also have some blood on them. A nurse is seen covered in blood.
157 of 242 found this severe
The orderlies and mental patients would often swear a lot
2 uses of motherfucker.
Nicholson says GD at least a dozen times.
36 uses of "fuck" (A couple are heard to hear)".
1 use of "cunt".
Many uses of other words, such as "shit", "SOB", "Jesus Christ".
133 of 209 found this mild
People are seen taking medication for mental disorders. They are never misused throughout the movie.
There is alot of smoking during the film.
Overall, not that much drug use is in the movie. All drugs presented are legal and are used in a medicinal context
There is some drinking during the film and many charaters are seen under the influence of alcohol at some points.
131 of 241 found this severe
Nurse Ratched's emotionless expressions give her a somewhat unsettling presence.
While this movie can be very Intense for some viewers, there are still some moments that are intended to be comedic and lighthearted to ease the tension.
Squeamish viewers might shy away from the scene when McMurphy and the others are preparing the fishing line by stabbing the hooks through the eyes of the smaller bait fish.
As a whole, the movie is very depressing and cynical.