Blazing Saddles (1974)
Mel Brooks: Governor Lepetomane, Indian Chief
Hedley Lamarr : Meeting adjourned. Oh, I am sorry, sir, I didn't mean to overstep my bounds. You say that.
Governor Lepetomane : What?
Hedley Lamarr : "Meeting is adjourned".
Governor Lepetomane : It is?
Hedley Lamarr : No, you *say* that, Governor.
Governor Lepetomane : What?
Hedley Lamarr : "Meeting is adjourned".
Governor Lepetomane : It is?
Hedley Lamarr : [sighs, then gives the governor a paddleball] Here, play around with this for awhile.
Governor Lepetomane : Thank you, Hedy.
Hedley Lamarr : No, it's Hedley!
Governor Lepetomane : It is?
Governor Lepetomane : Help me in with this. Help me in with this.
[having trouble putting his pen back into its holder]
Hedley Lamarr : Just think of your secretary.
[the pen goes straight in]
Governor Lepetomane : There you go. That's a very good suggestion. Thank you.
Governor Lepetomane : [pointing to a member of his cabinet] I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy!
Hedley Lamarr : Give the Governor harrumph!
Politician : Harrumph!
Governor Lepetomane : You watch your ass.
Hedley Lamarr : Gentlemen, please rest your sphincters.
Governor Lepetomane : Well put.
Governor Lepetomane : Thank you, Hedy, thank you
Hedley Lamarr : It's not *Hedy*, it's *Hedley*. Hedley Lamarr.
Governor Lepetomane : What the hell are you worried about? This is 1874. You'll be able to sue *her*.
Governor Lepetomane : What the hell is this?
Hedley Lamarr : This is the bill that will convert the state hospital for the insane into the William J. Le Petomane memorial gambling casino for the insane.
Governor Lepetomane : [standing up proudly] Gentlemen, this bill will be a giant step forward in the treatment of the insane gambler.
Hedley Lamarr : If you will just sign this, Governor. Right here.
Governor Lepetomane : Yes, yes. What the hell is it?
Hedley Lamarr : Well, under the provisions of this bill, we would snatch two hundred thousand acres of Indian land, which we have deemed unsuitable for their use at this time. They're such children.
Governor Lepetomane : Two hundred thousand acres? Two hundred thousand acres? What'll it cost, man, what'll it cost?
Hedley Lamarr : [brings out a carton of paddleballs] A box of these.
Governor Lepetomane : Are you crazy? They'll never go for it. And then again they might. Those little red devils... they love toys!
Hedley Lamarr : As per your instructions, I'd like you to meet the new sheriff of Rock Ridge.
Governor Lepetomane : I'd be delighted.
[extends his hand, then yanks it away on seeing Bart]
Governor Lepetomane : Wow!
[whistles, then drops his voice]
Governor Lepetomane : I gotta talk to you. Come here.
[grabs Bart and pulls him aside]
Governor Lepetomane : Have you gone berserk? Can't you see that man is a ni...
[turns and sees Bart]
Governor Lepetomane : Ha ha... wrong person. Forgive me. No offense intended.
[walks Bart back, then pulls Hedley aside]
Governor Lepetomane : Have you gone berserk? Can't you see that man is a ni?
Governor Lepetomane : Holy underwear! Sheriff murdered! Innocent women and children blown to bits! We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!
[after meeting Black pioneers]
Indian Chief : Hosti gezn in deyn lebn?
["Have you ever seen in your life?"]
Indian Chief : They darker than us! Woof!
Reporter : Sir, those are dummies.
Governor Lepetomane : How do you think I got elected?
Indian Chief : [upon seeing Bart's family in a wagon] Shvartses!
Indian Chief : [to another Indian] Nayn, nayn, zeyt nisht meshugge.
[Don't be crazy]
Indian Chief : Loz em gaeyn!
[Let them go!]
Indian Chief : [in English] Cop a walk. It's all right.
Bart's Mother : Thank you.
Bart's Father : Thank you.
Bart - Age 5 : Thank you.
Indian Chief : Abi gezunt.
[as long as you're healthy]
Indian Chief : Take off.
Governor Lepetomane : Work, work, work, Work, work, work. Work, work, work.
[turns, leans in and stares into Miss Stein's bountiful bosoms]
Governor Lepetomane : Hello, boys. Have a good night's rest? I missed you!
Miss Stein : Bill, are you coming back?
Governor Lepetomane : In a moment dear.
[to Hedley and Bart]
Governor Lepetomane : Ah, gentlemen, gentlemen, affairs of state must take precedent over the affairs of state.
Governor Lepetomane : Read it! Read it! You wild bitch.
Hedley Lamarr : Governor!
Governor Lepetomane : Yes?
Hedley Lamarr : Official business, sir.
Governor Lepetomane : Is it important?