11 of 25 found this mild
An implied sex scene where two people lie in bed naked. Nudity is hidden.
Some sexual talk, but nothing too graphic.
PG: For Sensuality/brief nudity, some violence and language including kissing.
9 of 23 found this moderate
Man spanks the boy a few times and throw him on the floor.
10 of 19 found this moderate
Mild to moderate profanity throughout: b*tch, b*stard, sh*t, ass, godd@mn etc.
13 of 17 found this mild
Alcohol drinking and drunkeness. Some cigarette smoking.
Drugs, recreational: None
10 of 22 found this moderate
A woman threaten his son that she going to beat him up. A man spanks or hit the boy and throw him on the floor. There is a few compilation of Tommy being emotionally, verbally and especially physically abused. The scene would make a lot of viewers upset and find that really distressing for what they going through.