The Paper Chase (1973)
John Houseman: Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Mr. Hart, here's a dime. Call your mother, and tell her there is serious doubt about you becoming a lawyer.
James T. Hart : [pause, as he is leaving the room] You... are a son of a bitch, Kingsfield!
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Mr. Hart! That is the most intelligent thing you've said today. You may take your seat.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : You teach yourselves the law, but I train your minds. You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a lawyer.
James T. Hart : Professor Kingsfield?
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Yes?
James T. Hart : I just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed your class.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : That's fine, that's fine.
James T. Hart : What I mean is, you have really meant something to me, and your class has truly meant something to me.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : What is your name?
James T. Hart : Hart.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Thank you, Mr. Hart. Thank you very much.
[first lines]
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Mr. Hart, would you recite for us the facts of Hawkins versus McGee?
[looks up]
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : I do have you name right? You are "Mr. Hart"?
James T. Hart : [mumbles] Yes, my name's Hart.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : You're not speaking loud enough, Mr. Hart. Will you speak up?
James T. Hart : Yes, my name's Hart.
Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. : Mr. Hart, you're still not speaking loud enough. Will you stand?