- [intro to every "Brown Hornet" episode]
- Television Announcer: It's not a bird! It's not a bee! It's the BROWN HORNET...! Last time, as you recall, we left our hero the Brown Hornet and his trusty pal Stinger hopelessly trapped...! Using the Brown Hornet's superpowers, they naturally escaped unharmed! Now we pick up with our heroes as they face an even worse threat...!
- Bill Cosby: This is Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun, and if you're not careful, you may learn something before it's done. So let's get ready, okay? Hey, hey, hey!
- Television Announcer: Welcome once again to Fine Pine Forest, home of everybody's favorite lawbird, champion of justice, Legal Eagle!
- Television Announcer: And the two nuttiest deputies this side of Swampville, Moe and Gabby!
- Television Announcer: [outro to every "Brown Hornet" episode] ... Will our daring heroes survive their latest dangerous threat? If so, how? Tune in next week for another exciting episode of THE BROWN HORNET...!