25 of 47 found this mild
There's a brief love-making scene; both actors are nude but nothing is shown more than the man's bare chest. A few offhand remarks are made referring to sex. After being asked to borrow money by his son, a father asks if he got a girl in "in trouble" i.e. pregnant.
20 of 30 found this to have none
There is an argument between a man and woman. A hockey game is shown where rough playing and fights are seen.
There was fighting situations in the college ice hockey games. Facial damage.
15 of 36 found this moderate
Over a dozen blasphemies.
In the Tucson PBS broadcast, they did the???? Treatment with the at least 4 times Jenny said bullshit in the closed caption display. All of the profanities were not censored. That censored word was shit.
Several s-words. Profanity is prolific in some places (GD, D, S, etc.) through the movie.
17 of 26 found this to have none
Occasional smoking.
9 of 22 found this mild