Far short of a classic this said. The animation is still not that great, the colours are nice but the drawing looks rather rushed and sparse. The gags are still very entertaining and well-timed, but like the story, which isn't dull at least, excepting the chocolate-covered ice log one they are very little different to what we have seen before with Speedy and Daffy. And for a character who is this good at outwitting Daffy, Speedy not seeing through Daffy's mouse disguise did seem rather stupid. Snow Excuse however is one of the better Daffy/Speedy cartoons along with Daffy Rents and Well Worn Daffy, and this is coming from someone who doesn't hate the series as much as most do but doesn't care for most of the cartoons part of the series. The music is not lush as such(not canned-sounding though at least) but still has the blazing energy and the ability to sync well with the action as one would expect. The dialogue is witty and induces some good laughs, including Daffy's final line. The ending is very cute, one of the sweetest things Speedy ever did. Daffy and Speedy are a very unlikely pairing, the main criticism of their outings together, however their chemistry gels better than most of their cartoons together. Daffy is funny and a good foil if too greedy still, while Speedy gives one of his funnier appearances and is surprisingly endearing, he can be annoying depending on the writing. Mel Blanc as always does a wonderful job with the vocal characterisations. Overall, far from classic status but Snow Excuse one of the better and more decent cartoons of the Daffy/Speedy series. 6.5/10 Bethany Cox