- Three thrill-seeking go-go dancers kidnap a young girl and attempt to seduce an old rancher and his two sons out of their small fortune, but their scheme does not play out as they intended.
- Three strippers seeking thrills encounter a young couple in the desert. After dispatching the boyfriend, they take the girl hostage and begin scheming on a crippled old man living with his two sons in the desert, reputedly hiding a tidy sum of cash. They become houseguests of the old man and try and seduce the sons in an attempt to locate the money, not realizing that the old man has a few sinister intentions of his own.—Ed Sutton <esutton@mindspring.com>
- Three wild women - Varia, Rosa and Billie, go-go dancers by profession - like to live life in the fast lane. They drive their cars fast and take the men that they want. In the desert, they come across the pretty but innocent Linda, whom they decide to kidnap and hold for ransom. When they go to a nearby town and learn about a wheelchair-bound old man who lives in an old ranch house with his two sons. More importantly, rumor has it the man is rich and has money hidden all over the place. The old man and his sons aren't the pushovers they thought he would be and the girls plans don't quite work out as they hoped.—garykmcd
- Three beautiful female dancers are driving through the desert when they come across a young couple. They kidnap the woman and leave the man for dead. Travelling further they come across an old man living with his two sons. The old man is apparently sitting on a pile of cash and the girls do their best to separate him from it.—grantss
- Three wild women in three fast cars take time off from stripping in clubs to go on a murder rampage. They kidnap and drug the girlfriend of one of their victims and hole up at a secluded ranch owned by a wheelchair-bound man and his two sons.—Mark Logan <marklo@west.sun.com>
- Three go-go Watusi dancers set out in a racing sports car for a few days of adventure, violence, and seduction. Leading the pack is Varla, a karate expert whose lesbian lover, Rosie, is little more than an obedient slave. The third woman, Billie, is somewhat reluctant to join in the escapade and is the only one possessing any redeeming qualities.
Following a water fight in a nearby lake, the women challenge a young couple, Tommy and Linda, to a "chicken race." Varla wins by resorting to unfair tactics, and when Tommy objects she breaks his back with a karate chop. Horrified, Linda faints from shock.
Leaving Tommy's body behind, the women take Linda hostage and drive to a country gas station run by an old man confined to a wheelchair and his muscle-bound, dim-witted son, simply called Vegetable. Upon learning that the old man has a cache of money hidden somewhere, the women decide to find a means of getting their hands on it. While Varla and Rosie continue their snooping--and lovemaking--Billie sets out to seduce Vegetable and is aided by the voyeuristic old man, who encourages his son to rape the girl.
Events come to a climax with the arrival of Kirk, the old man's other son, who hangs around for the sake of his brother's welfare. When Varla attempts to seduce him as a means of learning where the money is hidden, the jealous Rosie gets drunk and passes out. Seeking to escape from her evil companions, Billie tries to run away, but she is caught and knifed in the back by Varla. When Rosie returns to the scene of the murder to retrieve the knife, Vegetable assumes that she is responsible for Billie's death and kills her. Desperate, the old man heads back to the house in his wheelchair for his shotgun. But Varla smashes him down with her sports car and finds the cache of money, which had been hidden in the wheelchair. She then tries to kill Vegetable, but his brute strength is sufficient to hold back her surging sports car.
Kirk and Linda arrive, and a death struggle ensues during which Kirk is forced to fight Varla as though combating a man. Sensing that he is losing, Linda jumps into a truck and drives it at full force into Varla, killing her.
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