7 of 15 found this mild
At the beginning of the movie, two young men jump out of the window of a young woman. She then shows herself for a moment, and is wearing very little. A man tries to buy a young woman to have sex with. He picks up a stick, and lifts her skirt up and looks underneath. Nothing is seen.
A young woman asks a man "shall I take off my clothes for you?" several times. She does end up getting naked, but you only see her back from the waist up.
A man and woman kiss in a bed.
A man and woman start to have sex in a bed, but they are interrupted. Later in this scene you see a lot of the naked girl's skin. A lot of the breast is visible for a couple of seconds. When she leaves the bed, part of her butt can be seen as she runs out.
A lot of sexual dialogue.
6 of 6 found this mild
Two men are stabbed to death (no blood.) There is very little violence in this movie. When there is a scene of violence, there is no blood.
A woman is found after she has committed suicide. We see her holding a dagger which is embedded in her abdomen with a small amount of blood.
5 of 7 found this mild
Around 10 "d*mns".
6 of 6 found this mild
A lot of men drink a lot of wine and alcohol in several scenes.
7 of 8 found this mild
Two men are stabbed to death. There is no blood, but some may find it sad or a bit frightening.