47 of 96 found this mild
A woman strips naked for a man, and he looks her body over with pleasure. We only see her shoulders and up.
A woman goes skinny dipping. She is shown in the water, although her breasts are strategically covered by an overhanging branch to hide any overt nudity. Cleavage is shown later on while she is still in the water. Her husband then arrives, he looks her over, and she gets out of the lake. They start kissing and hugging, and sex is implied.
It is implied that a man is trying to seduce his male slave.
A scene at the Roman bathhouses where Roman men are swimming and bathing.
37 of 52 found this moderate
A slave is stabbed offscreen, with his blood splattering onto the killer's face.
Surprisingly brutal for 1960. A major battle scene in which soldiers are stabbed, decapitated and have limbs hacked off. Many are set on fire, and several are stabbed in close up shots with blood splurting out. We see bloodied swords, and an arm is hacked off on center screen. We later see the aftermath of the battle, with many dead and bloodied bodies.
A slave kills his oppressor by drowning him in boiling soup kettle--disturbing.
A battle where the slaves revolt, and many on both sides are killed with blood.
Several gladiator fights. Combatants are stabbed and sliced repeatedly, with bloody results.
The bloodiest scenes in the film are not battle scenes, but tracking shots of the bloody aftermath.
29 of 45 found this to have none
Infrequent mild language is used.
27 of 45 found this mild
Some drinking.
28 of 43 found this moderate
An intense battle, plus numerous intense gladiatorial fights.