I have a hard time understanding why a slim minority heaped praises on this film. The film goes absolutely no where, and as far as French males go Yves Montand is one of the least attractive Europeans I've ever seen (and that's putting it too mildly). Surely Monroe's character has better taste than this?
No one's funny in this movie. Comic legend Milton Berle can't hope to save this film with his small part, ditto with dancing legend Gene Kelly's cameo, nor any of the other cast. Monroe herself, as appealing as she is, can't salvage a blase script like this turkey.
There're so many things wrong with this film. Drab costumes, uninspired numbers, miscued performances, wandering story and just overall poor direction that it's a wonder it was ever released at all. Though I suppose the studio had to recoup its losses somehow.
I'd heard a lot about this film since I was a boy, but had never had a chance to see it, probably because it was deemed to racy at the time for younger audiences. Well, now I've seen it, and not only do I wish I hadn't, I wish it had never been preserved. Then again we need poor films in this world to remind us good films are good in the first place. Too bad Marilyn had to be in this one.
Do yourself a favor and pass on this film.