594 of 625 found this to have none
362 of 438 found this to have none
Characters talk about knife fights and other violence, though no actual blood or violence are shown onscreen.
A man reenacts a stabbing, causing several other men to gasp, but not injuries.
One man becomes angry and lunges at another man, but is physically held back by others.
A boy allegedly murdering his father by stabbing is the central point of the film and the killing is discussed at length and very explicitly.
368 of 416 found this to have none
Some minor name calling and threats.
'Damn' is said once.
320 of 445 found this mild
A man holds a pipe.
A man smokes a cigarette while he is questioned and stressed.
Some of the jurors smoke.
224 of 411 found this mild
A character has an emotional breakdown.
The extended discussions about the murder may be difficult for some users.
Several intense arguments, including yelling and some minor threats.
The whole movie's atmosphere can be intense for some.
Suggested MPA rating: Rated PG-13 for thematic content and historical smoking.