This takeoff on the 1950s television show, "The Adventures Of Superman," has its share of corny laughs, especially if you are familiar with that famous show, its introduction each week and its characters.
Daffy Duck is "Stuporduck," disguised as mild-mannered reporter "Cluck Trent," etc. You almost wince when these things are said! The writer of this cartoon, Tedd Pierce, and the director, Robert McKimson, plug themselves in the story. That, and some other little things - subtle jokes such as Stuporduck adjusting his shoulder pads to look more manly - made this a fun cartoon to watch. The main jokes are "fair;" it's the little stuff that was appreciated, at least by me.
This good-vs.-evil story pits Stuporduck against "Aarvard Ratnick," the evil Russian (our enemy is this Cold War era). Everything Daffy does, of course, is a disaster. The ending is almost guaranteed to give you a laugh.