One of the most solid Republic Picture's western, and not the most known. Except JOHNNY GUITAR and the John Ford's films of course. The presence of the likes of Sterling Hayden and David Brian as the villain help obviously a lot, unlike the bland Vera Ralston's character. It is colourful, action packed, very predictable, but one of my Joseph Kane's favourite of the fifties. This prolific western maker, "home" director for Republic Studios, did his best in the fifties, though in the late forties he also gave us good stuff. Splendid natural settings and the Trucolor process can easily match this western to the best of Paramount or Universal companies features. And as usual in Republic Westerns, you have also a musical, singing scene; it's the "home" tradition for this studio, but here it is far more bearable than the awful Roy Royer's or Gene Autry's period of the forties....