13 of 15 found this to have none
Katrina's dress reveals cleavage.
An average-looking obese lady wears a revealing dress that shows cleavage and panties.
13 of 15 found this mild
The sequence where Toad and his friends attempt to reclaim Toad Hall from Winkie and his weasel henchmen has many characters welding weapons such as guns, knives, axes and swords. However, everyone avoids getting hit by them, with the exception of Winkie who gets bashed with a club. Although, he has no visible injuries.
While chasing Toad on a train, policemen fire pistols at him. Some of the bullets narrowly miss Toad but he escapes unscathed.
The Headless Horseman attempts to behead Ichabod Crane with a sword multiple times in the dark woods.
14 of 15 found this to have none
16 of 16 found this mild
During Brom Bones introductory scene, he is shown filling mugs from a barrel of beer for his friends and letting his horse and some dogs drink from the barrel.
Alcohol substance use. Characters smoke cigars and pipes. Cartoon weasels are shown passed-out drunk, with bottles and mugs by their sides. Characters hoist mugs of beer into the air before drinking.
12 of 20 found this moderate
The Headless Horseman can be frightening as he chases after Ichabod on a black horse with glowing red eyes and swaps at him with a sword.