Have Rocket -- Will Travel (1959)
Effects shot tilting up past moon lifted from opening scenes of "It's a Wonderful Life"The Outer Limits (TV Series 1963–1965)
Effects shot tilting up past moon lifted from opening scenes of "It's a Wonderful Life" later used in Season 1, Episode 23: Second Chance."The Outer Limits" Second Chance (TV Episode 1964)
Outer Space scene that Don Gordon narrates near the start was the same scene used for the angels in heaven in "It's a Wonderful Life."High Hopes: The Capra Years (TV Movie 1981)
The Our Gang Story (Video 1994)
Clips shown
America at the Movies (1976)
Clip(s) / Footage.- Stewart and Reed listen to Albertson on phone
- clip included
Android (1982)
Hollywood's Greatest Trailers (Video 1982)
Scandal (1950)
Stars/angels coming to earth (reflected in pond) at ChristmasThe Veiled Lady (1951)
The scene in which Huber and his guest are dancing a waltz, the stage is opening and they are falling into the pool beneith the stage is a direct reference to the Charleston scene from "It's A Wonderful Life""The Twilight Zone" It's a Good Life (TV Episode 1961)
Title Reference."The Twilight Zone" Cavender Is Coming (TV Episode 1962)
Cavender, like Clarence, is a low-ranking angel who looks like a dumpy middle-aged man. Also like Clarence, Cavender goes down into the world in order to serve as a diligent guardian for a particular mortal in order to "get his wings."
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Song of the Islands (1942)
Song is heard when George first arrives at his new house on 320 Sycamore.The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
The film is playing at the Bijou Cinema on December 24, 1945.
It Happened One Christmas (TV Movie 1977)
Mr. Destiny (1990)
Modern day rebootIt's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (TV Movie 2002)
The Muppet movie is borderline spoof remake of this movie.
Clarence (TV Movie 1990)
Damn Yankees (1958)
"Mork & Mindy" It's a Wonderful Mork (TV Episode 1979)
This episode is a spoof of the film.It's a Miserable Life (Short 1979)
Stuck on You! (1983)
The opening depicts the Earth spinning among the stars while Heavenly voices discuss sending an angel to help a couple in trouble."SCTV Channel" It's a Wonderful Film (TV Episode 1983)
Spoof of title and concept.
It Happened One Christmas (TV Movie 1977)
Merry Christmas, George Bailey (TV Movie 1997)
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