Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)
Helen Flint: Minna
Minna : Look at him starin' at me as if I was dirt. Me! His own daughter-in-law. Oh, your son Bevis married me all right, and what a fine rotter he was. But he is the father and I can prove it.
Minna : So that's the way you're going to treat your grandson, is it? Ah, ya needn't try to look so fierce about it. He's your grandson alright.
Mr. Snade : Ah, yes, me Lord. We have proof of the young gentleman's birth. He is the son of the late Lord Fauntleroy. Allow me to introduce myself. Joshua Snade at your service. My card. Heh, heh. I've already had the pleasure of making Mr. Havisham's acquaintance. Uh, Lady Fauntleroy has placed all the evidence in my hands. I can assure you, me Lord, it is sufficient to justify her case should it come into court. But may I suggest that, ah, we come to an arrangement and settle this matter amicably on a friendly basis.
Minna : Friendly? Hah! Look at him starin' at me as if I was dirt. Me, his own daughter-in-law. Oh, your son Bevis married me all right and what a fine rotter he was. But he was the father of my boy and I can prove it.
Mr. Snade : Lady Fauntleroy, please...
Minna : You may think you can fight me but a lot of good it'll do ya. They don't love you around her and you know it. I've heard plenty about you and your dirty snobbish pride. Plenty of pride you'll have when I'm finished with ya. Unless you want to climb down off your high horse and get reasonable with your own flesh and blood.
Mr. Snade : Lady Fauntleroy, I beg you...
Minna : You, shut up! I'll stop at nothing, do you hear? I'll drag this case through every court in the land. I'll let the whole world know who you are. You and your precious son, Bevis. Deserting me and his own child, a babe in arms. How I've suffered heaven only knows. And you standin' there lookin' at me and my boy as if we was scum. You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
Earl of Dorincourt : You say you married my eldest son. If that's proved to be true, the law is on your side. In that case, your son will be Lord Fauntleroy and you will be provided for. But I warn you, the matter will be sifted to the very bottom. I only add that I want to see nothing of you or your boy as long as I live. After my death, you can, unfortunately, do as you please. Yes, you are exactly the kind of person that I should have expected my son Bevis to choose.