- 100 Films in a Year [Richard Nelson]
- 20/20 Movie Reviews [Richard Cross]
- A Sharper Focus [Norman Holland]
- Andy's Film Blog [Andy Kaiser]
- Another Cinema Blog [Tony D'Ambra]
- Avrupa Sinemasi [Baris Saydam]
- Turkish
- Blu-ray.com [Dr. Svet Atanasov]
- CineVue [Daniel Green]
- Combustible Celluloid [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- Criterion Collection [Robert Polito]
- CriterionConfessions.com [Jamie S. Rich]
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- DVDBeaver.com Blu-ray [Gary Tooze]
- Dvdclassik
- French
- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings [Dave Sindelar]
- Garden of Silence [Vittorio Renzi]
- Italian
- Slant Magazine Blu-ray [Joseph Jon Lanthier]
- Surrender to the Void [Steven Flores]
- The QNetwork [James Kendrick]
- Turner Classic Movies [Glenn Erickson]
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