"Trapped by the Mormons" is a British film which represents international suspicions at that time about the Latter Day Saints. You can also see another view of this suspicion in one of Arthur Conan Doyle's story "A Study in Scarlet". Doubtless this will likely offend many today and if you show it to a Morman, their heads are likely to explode...or worse.
The story is set in England and is about a Svengali-like Mormon, Isoldi Keene. Keene is very keen to seduce Nora into his religion and make her one of her wives. She turns out to not only be eager to join but convinces many of her friends of the righteousness of Brother Keene. Later, however, she learns the truth...but by then it might just be too late!
Among the many ill deeds done by Keene and his evil minions is a fake resurrection, an abduction and two attempted murders. And, while SOME evil deeds were perpetrated by the Church (such as the documented massacre of a group of non-Mormon settlers in 1857), the things you see in this film are pretty fictional and are bound to offend. HOWEVER, I'll also point out that regardless, it is very entertaining and very well made for 1922. The acting is good, the script taut and the overall story is still very watchable today despite it being a silent.