Where being a jerk is confused with having talent
12 May 2024
I didn't know the main actress. Good, now I know I'll avoid anything with her in it.

As for the writers, what is this? Random sentence selection using previous series with the same kind of stories ?!

It's flat, unimaginative, but most importantly completely absurd.

Hospital personnel in France have huge problems with less and less funds and mounting pressure, but there have nothing in common with this lazy representation. Writers probably didn't go in a pediatric service in hospital, didn't talk to a pediatric doctor or nurse, didn't have to visit a young patient. They went on poison blogs and singled out the worse they could.

For parents not to be allowed to see their kids for over three weeks without a court order, just by medical staff decision alone, is utter non sense! Even more so when the duration is prolonged.

Do not recommend this episode of the series 1 star for the kid 0 for everything else.
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