Unfrosted (2024)
6 May 2024
I was looking forward to this. Assumed it would be clever and witty. But I couldn't stop thinking, ok there's got to be a joke coming up, just wait for it.

Nope. Not one joke, not one clever satirical moment. A huge cast of talent wasted on what looked like a self-indulgent party thrown by Jerry himself for his friends. It has the sheen of the Barbie movie but not one bit of depth or nuance. The kids are tropes of the usual kind, far too clever and know more than adults and the bit about the ravioli is, frankly, awful.

I had to stop, accelerate to the end and then see the cast all laughing (at us?) having a great old time at our gullibility - and Netflix's - for financing this bomb.

I wanted to scream: Stop the Noise already!

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