Greyhound (2020)
A ww2 version of 'Master and Commander'
11 March 2024
This is a ww2 version of Master and Commander but not nearly as good. To pull that off, you need to show the tradecraft of the day and enough action scenes to keep it from being a documentary. They did a good job on showing the tradecraft but the action sequences were too contrived for my taste.

For example, they spot a torpedo and have 20 seconds to respond, they have the ship do a crazy list almost putting the deck below the waterline as the capt stares at the torpedo barely missing his ship. A simple turn would do; the power of the torpedo was that you don't see it until it hits. Also, they had the capt of the U-Boat howling and taunting the destroyers over the radio. That is absurd, using the radio gives away his position and hunting destroyers is suicidal. Again, the power of the U-Boat was its stealth. Once it loses that it loses everything. U-Boats would target the convoy and then try to disappear, not duke it out on the surface with its one deck gun vs destroyers bristling with deck guns.

They did a good job of making you feel like you were on a ship in a hostile environment and showing the strengths and the weaknesses of the tech such as the sonar and radar but the action sequences made me roll my eyes more than once; 'Greyhound, this is Greywolf, today you are all going to die, A-WOOO (cringeworthy howl)'
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