Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Often pretty funny
26 January 2024
This was a pretty funny series. I watched all three seasons, so that counts for something. But as others pointed out the subplot in the first season of the guy who stands in for his boss at the AA meetings is just bad. It wasn't funny, just deranged. I ended up skipping over most of it as it wasn't pleasant to watch, even though I think they were going for laughs. I found this to be an issue in general with the Farrelly brother's material. I cringed and rolled my eyes often with Dumb and Dumber, Something about Mary, etc. They have a tendency to beat a joke to death, and this can be especially troublesome when the joke isn't funny.

Ron Livingston is great as the recovering alcoholic with anger issues. He attacks many irritating minor issues of the day and though you may not always agree with him, it is usually funny. Until its not. The series wades into topics it isn't equipped to handle and, essentially, lectures the viewer about it. That doesn't make stellar TV watching in a comedy. But when it doesn't do that, or keeps its humor about the topic of the day, it is very funny and a great watch.
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