Woulda Coulda Shoulda
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of action flicks; I watched this for Nic Cage (who is so very ruggedly handsome here, by the way) and the Cayman Island scenery.

There is sooo much more they could have done with this film! For one thing, they could have added colorful scenes of "grandpa" in and around his paradisiacal home, bonding with his family and enjoying the island life.

They could have given some insight on whether or not Jimmy lived or died.

They could have had more interactions (of the non-violent kind) and more humor (I mean, other than creative ways of killing people) between the main characters.

Most of all, they could have given us a more satisfying ending. I would love to have seen the family basking on the beach, drinking pina coladas. Instead, we see them separated, with the mom and daughter being sent away by the good (?) guys, who gave off more of a villainous vibe, in my opinion. In fact, this rates right down there with some of the most disappointing movie endings I've ever seen. Maybe there should be warnings applied to films that leave us in limbo: "Rated LE for Lame Ending".

This movie is nothing but guns and death. It lacks heart and depth. It you take away the awesome island duds Cage was wearing, and the dialogue between Sarah and her captor, you might as well be watching rookies at target practice. It would be just as satisfying.
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