Just as bad as its straight counterpart
18 December 2023
No one can seem to survive the straight version of EROTIC ADVENTURES OF HERCULES without tearing it a new one, and AC/DC bandit Rik Taziner strikes again in this all-male counterpart, a farrago just as bereft of interest or eroticism.

As with all Rik's gay/straight remakes, the two versions follow each other to a T, with Herc even portrayed by the same guy, a very reluctant-seeming Adonio Chelemingois. Whisp-thin plot again finds Taziner as an evil emperor intent on ensnaring Hercules with - in this version - a comely blond prince, who he uses to sexually exhaust the titan so he can tie him up in his lair while everyone has an orgy. Once the party is exhausted, Herc again makes his escape and takes his revenge.

Nigh-interminable, either version of HERCULES barely has enough plot to fill a cocktail napkin - forget adventures, there's barely two locations! There are a couple nice shots of Chelemingois walking along a beach that smack of a bargain-basement peplum, but by and large this is woefully shoddy, thrown together on barely-dressed sets with actors who look like they've been coerced at gunpoint. Taziner again inflicts himself upon the audience, contributing a revolting scene where the young prince is forced to suck his flaccid phallus while Rik scarfs and slurps at a piece of chicken. For his part, poor Herc hardly seems interested in the male action, looking half drunk and barely able to maintain an erection. It's clear why he was ported over - Chelemingois has a hunky muscle-dad bod that fits perfectly in the Steve Reeves mold - and props to him for taking a walk on the wild side, but it's clear he's better suited for the straight copy. For viewers, however, either one's a stinker.
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