More than Shakespeare.
9 December 2023
Michael Wood is good at everything he touches. His documentaries are clear and fun to follow. What makes this one excel, is not just the direct information on the life and times of Shakespeare but the biographies of his contemporaries.

I have seen just about all of the plays and read some of the sonnets, but this documentary seems to bring its own life to the parts of the plays that are important and makes you want to be there now.

I also enjoyed seeing what is left of the places that Shakespeare lived. However, it was even more impressive to see the re-creation of the Globe Theater.

When Michael was walking around in the estuary, it was fun watching him in his Wellies it made you think of "Midsummer murders."

I also thought I knew pretty much about the time of Shakespeare. However, I received a good civil lesson and a different perspective of the plays as they were written for the politics of the time. Today in our quasi-police state, we again can see how powerful moving force plays can be. One day they may meet with censorship here.

Anyway, leaving off all the deep thoughts this documentary makes, you realize why they made T. V.

The documentary comes in four parts, so it is a good idea to put some time between each viewing, so you have time to think and talk about what you saw.

The four parts: A Time of Reformation The Lost Years The Duty of Poets For All Time.
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