Fear the Walking Dead: Blood in the Streets (2016)
Season 2, Episode 4
extremely good
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
2x4 Rating: 8.7/10

Storyline: Nick swims ashore in the middle of the night, having escaped the detection of a helicopter and a patrol boat. He arrives at a recently-abandoned refugee camp on the beach. After attracting the attention of an infected, he lures it into one of the tents and kills it, smearing himself in blood from the infected's belly.

Back on the Abigail, Travis condemns Strand for cutting Alex's raft loose while Chris and Ofelia stand watch on deck. A raft with two men and a bleeding pregnant woman approaches the Abigail. Chris wonders if he should kill them but hesitates. The passengers of the raft board the boat without being invited, claiming that the woman is having pregnancy complications.

Travis, Daniel and Madison rush upstairs and interrogate the strangers. Strand attempts to get his MP5, but finds the magazine removed by Daniel. Madison assists Vida, the pregnant woman, to a bathroom. Alicia goes upstairs and recognizes one of the men's voices as Jack, from the portable radio. The other man, Reed, punches Travis. Meanwhile, Vida smashes Madison's head against a mirror then ties her hands. Jack and Reed tie everyone up and hold them at gunpoint. Strand flees on a raft and is shot at by Reed.

In a flashback, Strand meets Thomas Abigail at a bar in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, soon after hurricane Katrina. Thomas tells Strand that he's in town to buy property. Strand explains that everything he owns is underwater. Strand assists Thomas to his hotel room, where Thomas passes out. Strand borrows Thomas' credit cards.
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