Loki: Science/Fiction (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
I guess we're both selfish then
7 November 2023
First off, Tom Hiddelston is the best he's been in this universe. This episode alone is maybe one of his best performances to date. These past couple of episodes have sort of re-established him as the main character, and in some ways made the opening episodes better.

Owen Wilson is likewise very good! I've really grown to like his acting in this series. It's good seeing him doing something out of the norm again.

But this isn't just a great MCU series, it's a great series in general. A very fascinating concept that feels super fresh and feels like it actually has really high stakes. My only hope is that the finale this week doesn't play things too safe. I'm excited, because I still don't know how this season is going to end, but the way things ended here has me just a little worried. The season has been excellent so far though so maybe I need not worry.

It's also just exceptionally directed. It doesn't at all feel like an MCU property. Non-Marvel aficionados would probably enjoy this as well.

Also, Orobouros is one of the best mcu characters in recent memory.

Some truly haunting imagery here as well. Such an unpredictable episode. It feels good to watch a marvel property with high stakes that isn't predictable.
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