This picture attempts to tackle one of the most dire . . .
30 August 2023
. . . crime waves sullying America's face during the past five decades: Namely, shopping cart theft. In the 1950's, waves of "grazers" swept across our beleaguered U. S. Homeland like a voracious swarm of locusts, as millions of insect-like low-life's plucked grapes and apples from the fruit shelves, rationalizing their serial thefts as mere "sampling," coupled with the idea that the grocery "would never miss one--or two--or ten." By the 1960's, the kids of these nefarious grazers were big enough to pursue larger game, in the form of shopping carts. Eventually an entire film franchise--the JACK REAR END series--was built around purloined carts. However, The Inspector had the idea first in WIRE CART, as this movie's title translates into American.
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