A film that was lacking.
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And watching The Hand that Feeds, I saw hole after hole in the plot, and I am not typically someone who looks for nor sees them easily. And the easiest one is why it was so easy to kill the demon and no one thought of it sooner, or find a way to let us know that it's been tried before and failed. One of the real distractions was that the basic idea was good, but how much better it would've been in another directors hands.

The ending was way too simple and the love interest was too lenient on the main character. I thought she was going to be angry because he ruined everything and killed her father, they were going to meet down the road walking by each other, and as she walked away we are somehow let known that the demon is still alive and is following her.

One thing I do notice is when the music is bad, and I picked up on that really quick.

The things I loved about this movie is what they did with the special effects. Don't get me wrong, they were not good, but they got the point of what was going on across well. Asking for more on such a low budget movie probably could have done more harm than good.

I love cheesy acting. There was plenty here. Even the one well-known actor was horrible. It was fantastic. I think it would be selling his bad acting short by saying he was drunk during the interrogation room scene.

Speaking of acting, one person who stood out, way out, from the rest of the herd was Tricia BuerkeI think it would be selling his bad acting short by saying he was drunk during the interrogation room scene.

Speaking of acting, one person who stood out, way out, from the rest of the herd was. I appreciated every scene she was in and wouldn't be upset if she started showing up and bigger budget movies somewhere down the road.

While there is no way a bunch of other people randomly watched this movie and gave it 10 out of 10 stars (Have some pride people), it is still a good enough movie that, even the high rating is bogus, A B-movie horror fan could still get some in for entertainment from it.
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