Road King (2023)
Good movie šŸ‘šŸ‘Œ
26 June 2023
''A pure, simple & realistic piece of cinematic magic, evoking very strong emotions!" This film which captures an emotional journey of love, will add another feather to the cap of kannada movies. The story of this film revolves around the love story between Arjun & Manasa and her complicated love life which unfolds in the most unexpected way possible. His life changes in drastic ways causing a great amount of confusion, emotional stress and also sometimes happiness! The way the plot unfolds is truly magical! This film has a very simple screenplay with each of the elements in it being exceptionally pure and natural. It has the power to evoke very strong emotions in you with its realistic look and approach. Due to the subtle nature of the film, the viewer just gets absorbed into the story in no time! The film captures the innocence of the characters very effectively. There are no unnecessary elements in the storyline, which makes this film connect very well with the class audience or particularly those who appreciate sensible and meaningful cinema. The director deserves a pat on the back for bringing out this kind of experiment cinema which one doesn't get to watch usually in Sandalwood maybe in whole Indian cinema. The story plays with the viewer's emotions, showing the unpredictable nature of life. Each of the actors in this movie contribute immensely to the success of this film. Hero Arjun gives out a spectacular performance while portraying the heart-touching emotions effortlessly! Heroine Rushkar steals your heart with her enthusiastic performance and she beautifully carries out her role in a calm & relaxed manner. To sum up, this movie has a powerful story coupled with some heart touching performances, enough to stand out amongst the best love stories that have come up in the recent times! If you like meaningful films & those with very strong emotions, without any bit of commercial content, then you shouldn't miss this gem of art!
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