Queen Cleopatra: The Last Pharaoh (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Unjustifiable end scene
10 May 2023
The scene of the end and Cleopatra's suicide was one of the unjustifiable calamities. With the words of academic guests in the series, Cleopatra's suicide was between a poisonous snake bite or poison she took or put in her body, in addition to the possibility of her killing at the hands of Octavius. The clips placed on this talk were of Cleopatra eating a date and then dying. A scene inconsistent with the words of the speakers who never mentioned dates. There is no explanation why the producers and director chose to portray Cleopatra devouring a date grain as poison. They did not even torture their imagination, for example, by filming a shot of a date grain dipped in poison before eating it, if this was their intent, at least we were dramatically convinced, although the academics' words are elsewhere entirely. Poor writing and weaker execution of the dramatic scenes in a series whose aim is to promote and impose an idea, not to present a historical figure, except for emotional scenes and dialogues that are more suitable for a tenth-grade movie than in a "documentary" work. The academic guests were the best of the bunch, but it is clear that they did not delve into the basic issue of color as they delved into other issues and expanded, perhaps to support the required promotion, and this is something that may affect their credibility, because the color issue raised is not a transient issue.
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