Silo: Freedom Day (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Dystopia or is that what we've been led to believe?
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When Apple TV announced its 50th show that starts with the letter "S" I rolled my eyes. However, after watching the first episode it gripped me just as other mystery shows like Lost, The Leftovers and Severance did.

We have a society that live in a silo, hiding away for 140 years from the uninhabitable outside. This place has its own eco system, factions and they all tend to believe without question they are in there for their own safety. Enter Rashida Jones' Allison who through finding out that the system are keeping her from conceiving and in conjunction, finding a hard drive which suggests the outside is in fact fine- begins to rebel and requests to go outside. Once someone asks this, they cannot take it back and must stick to their request.

That is the set up for this episode and series and by god it's a good one! It feels like noir of sorts with a incredible Hans Zimmer like score looming over the scenes! It looks like all the money possible has been chucked into the production here and it tells. It has gorgeous cinematography, is well acted and hopefully it keeps up this stride.

My only honest nit pick is that it does take itself very seriously...but what do I expect, it being a Dystopian Sci-Fi! Haha. I hope to be here till the end, the first episode got me.
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