NCIS: Road to Nowhere (2021)
Season 19, Episode 3
Writers need to know about technology
25 April 2023
Seriously, the writers of this show need to learn about technology. There's a big deal when Gibbs steals the truck, leaving Parker behind, and no one knows how to track them.

Um, people... do know that all government vehicles (especially ones being used to transport prisoners) are equipped with GPS systems that can't be removed, right? Like, you actually can't disable them? I only mention that because it's kinda important, and completely exposes this scene as "Drama" for the sake of bloating the script.

Also, they make a big deal about the prisoner's file having been scrubbed. By whom? This is never answered. Also, how scrubbed can a navy SEAL's record be? Even deleting his home town from the government's files? That would require someone actually inside the military to do the scrubbing. Why is this never resolved?
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