Hotel Swooni (2011)
Love and Trust
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a script made up of intertwined stories. In one of the stories, the audience may have a chance to observe the behavior of a character who has a corrupted mindset and knows no bounds in selfishness. You can almost feel real physical pain as you watch this character plot to betray the person who loves and trusts this narcicist and tell cold-blooded lies to execute the plan right under the nose of that loving and trusting person.

Does the movie mean to say that loving someone isn't enough to stop them from betraying you? Does it even mean to say that if you love so much, you will suffer in the most disrespectful and reckless way? Maybe it is. The more you love and trust, the more painful the betrayal will be. In my opinion, the movie made me to figure that out this way. And if you love and trust so much, you will be betrayed so cruelly and so recklessly in the middle of the day and just a few steps away.

Your trust in the person you love possibly may turn into a cover for that selfish person to fool you in the most possible cruel ways. These kind of persons take advantage of this and could make you even feel guilty and apologize for your weak trust.

From the beginning to the end, the movie leaves the audience alone with each story. The film is not overly concerned about conveying a message. However, towards the end, you encounter a message that the betrayal of a loved and trusted one should be insignificant next to a greater pain. What? So, should we tolerate a betrayal because of the possibility of experiencing a greater pain? It sounds like the rhetoric of a right-wing politician. We must turn a blind eye to small disasters for a greater possible disaster! No! The main thing to do is to remove such arrogant, rude, disrespectful people from your life. It must be an irony of the movie that people who do not care about the feelings of others and take care of their own pleasure resemble countries that exploit Africa.

But of course, the common problem of those who fall in love with these selfish and narcissistic personalities is that they are "addicted" to these tormenting people. These victims engage in such a psychology with their manipulative methods. Holding hands, comforting, sudden very intense gestures, long emotional hugs, sayings of love, etc. In the end, they cannot do without them. You can see a good example of this at the end of the movie when the victim turns back to the torturer. Thus, the victim becomes a satellite of this self-centered insatiability by feeding it.

Absolutely worth to watch. 7 out of 10.
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