I beg your pardon, but...
11 February 2023
I used to think that the most contemptible movie I'd ever watched was "Martyrs", but never have I thought I myself could be that dense! I dare to say that this piece could honourably be the most heinous and repugnant ever made in cinema history. I have a huge background of watching edgy and extremely provocative films, I'm also fond of high-quality slashers and suspense ones. Despite that I'm absolutely disgusted with so-called moral and self-proclaimed philosophy that I happened to hear from the director of this flick. Other than that, I was immensely disturbed when I saw positive comments of other viewers and movie critics who intellectualized about righteousness which was so sophisticatedly incorporated in this movie.

Though I do grasp the idea of a slight metaphor when it comes to extremely cruel films such as "Saw" and "The girl next door", however, this is completely irrelevant case. From my perspective, the reason and the meaning which was clearly distinguishable in these pictures have nothing to do with atrocity and ruthlessness that were demonstrated in this piece.

I'm totally convinced that this movie should have never been made and watched. To me, this is not "the reflection of our filthy society" as it was claimed by the filmmaker, nor is it "speculation about authentic human nature" as plenty of movie experts are used to saying.

To my way of thinking, it's an abhorrent and tremendously sickening act of perversion which discredits and denigrates the field of eerie art-house films.

Repulsive, insinuating and utterly nauseous!
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