Criminal Minds: Memento Mori (2023)
Season 16, Episode 9
Turn On The Lights
3 February 2023
I had such high hopes for the return of one of my favorite series, but with each episode I am more disappointed. It's not the story line, It's the lighting. Or rather, the "lack of lighting".

I understand they are trying to "set a mood" but the lighting is so bad I can hardly follow the action. Sure, some scenes take place outdoors at night, but even the internal scenes, like the interactions between Tara and Rebecca, and JJ and Will are so dim that it's hard to see what is going on.

In this episode it appears that the flashback scenes were shown in B&W, but the rest of the episode was so dimly lit that it was almost impossible to tell the difference.

If they are going to make the program so dark, why not save the money on sets and costumes and just make it a podcast?
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