This film will age like a fine wine.
14 December 2022
3 hours 12 minutes filled with visual spectacles, Avatar 2 will WOW the eye out of you with its magical approach on what appears on screen. This is a film that is made for theatrical experience! This is a film that will age well like a fine wine, even in the next 20 years.

Remember when you went to an electronic store and you head to the TV section, there are some screens that look profoundly realistic when it moves that it might just pop out of the screen? Yes, imagine watching that for 192 minutes with that frame rate. Everything looks almost real and with the 3D effect, it only adds up insofar it feels practically shot.

However, since this might just win the throne for the best visual effects of all time, it comes at a cost, though it is entirely avoidable. The film has plenty of scenes that scream 'flaunting' & 'flexing'. You'll witness scenes that have little to no strong contexts and the only thing those scenes were made are to show how this film has a standard no other films have ever achieved before. It's a bit pathetic but damn, it was enjoyable to watch!

Avatar: The Way of Water has a plot that is as par as the standard brought by Avatar 1. It isn't anything special or uniquely different but it is not boring either. However, the message both films want to send out is very transparent. But we can all agree on one thing. The story is not the franchise's strongest asset. The phrase style or I would say, visual over substance is the best way to put it. For instance, during the 45th minute mark or so, there's this 15-minute gap where the story basically turns plateau. It never moves for the sake of feeding the audience with eye-catching visuals. This sacrificial act is uncalled for as this follow up has so much potential to develop the story in a better way. But again, people put way too high expectations for James Cameron.

You know that's a James Cameron film when you see one. Other than his trademark of making out-of-the-world blockbuster films, he has his unique ways of tapping into your heart and make you feel a whole spectrum of emotions in his movie; be it sad, happy, angst, anxious, doubts, guilty and the list goes on and on. Similar to Avatar 1, the sequel proves once again that Cameron is talented at telling his story while putting up front the emotional weight as the film goes along.

His love towards nature and living things is beyond most humans. Cameron doesn't preach on what he cares but instead, it lets the story moves at its pace and includes the thematic elements on environment, aquatic life and greediness entirely and plays around with them. One thing's for sure though, Leonardo DiCaprio will love this movie for sure. 😉

For those of you who want more of Pandora, I'm sorry to tell you that you may be disappointed. Avatar 2 is not a direct sequel and it doesn't want it to be. It sets almost a decade after the event of what happens in the 2009's blockbuster hit. This lies the problem; audience want more of Pandora but Cameron has his ideas on further expanding the world without looking behind at what makes Avatar 1 an outstanding feature. Yes, you get to see Pandora but have little expectations.

As told earlier, some scenes are meant to brag about its sheer spectacular that will please the eyes. And bringing up another point, there are also lots of scenes that have jumpy narratives and messy cuts that I found them to be truly annoying. Don't go far, the first 10 minutes will show you how jumpy it is and throughout, they are cuts and splits that can be reorganized and made better. What's the rush, Cameron? You can spend more than 30 minutes flexing on the visuals and yet, the narrative that leads to the answers we've all been dying to know based on the trailer is unclear and lackadaisical.

Verdict: Avatar The Way of Water is filled with mesmerizing and never-before-seen visuals accompanied with strong themes that will reflect how greedy and cruel we may (have) become. Yes, James Cameron is the Leonardo da Vinci of our generation and even if the story is nothing exceptional, this film will definitely age like a fine wine.
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