Review of One Way Out

Andor: One Way Out (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
What an episode
9 November 2022
I don't know what to say i'm speechless. The level of writing, the subtlety of acting from Serkis, Skarsgård and Luna from the small twists that happen i have to say this was a really wonderful episode of television.

Why did I fall in love with Star Wars when i was a kid? Was it because it told me what I had to feel in a tasteless fashion and made throwbacks to things I already knew existed? Was it the flashiness, the coolness of the empty characters that they placed into an even more empty world? No, it was emotional stories that I could connect with in a marvellous setting that transported me into another realm. A realm far away from everyday life where adventures and excitement happened. This is what Andor does, and this episode just showcased what moving pictures are all about.
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