An enormous amount of filler, but enjoyable nonetheless.
24 October 2022
The major problem with the hobbit trilogy is that it should not have been a trilogy but a single film. It is a very simple tale, that has been padded enormously throughout the three films, especially if you watch the extended versions which are each 3 hours long. That's 9 hours for a story contained in a single book.

The first episode (an unexpected journey) is the weakest of the three in my opinion. It sets off with an interesting premise (a quest) but 90% of the film is basically the cast of characters running from the same orcs, in a three hour film, along with meaningless events such as encountering Goblins who dance and sing a song (almost Disney like).

It's just pretty terrible compared to the amazing original trilogy, but it's still Peter Jackson and Lord of the Rings, so is enjoyable in a way.

I highly suggest you watch the theatrical version of this film and not bother with the three hour extended version. This is something I usually don't recommend, but here it's really three long hours of not much happening.
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