Expedition Bigfoot: Creepy Hollows (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Berating should not be aired!
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst I really love this programme, I felt like Mireya let this particular episode down. Berating Ronnie for chasing after, what he believed to be Bigfoot, into the darkness was uncalled for. Especially when she did exactly the same in season 3. Admittedly, Ronnie wasn't with her, but the camera crew were. I don't think airing her views on what he did, added anything to the episode. In fact it was cringe worthy. Just because she's an anthropologist, doesn't give her the right to talk to people like that. She also mentions that this isn't one of those programmes where you go chasing after things and that it is a scientific one. Because the way I'm seeing this, science is only part of it.

Five stars is for the rest of the crew that kept this episode entertaining and interesting.
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