The Con is On (2018)
Ill never get that 40 mins back...
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dont even bother.... It is literally doused on awful attempts at English mafia wannabe thieves...with attempts of Oceans 11 style soundtracks...and leaves you waiting for something to happen...although things are well in into a Delta level coma and nothing matters.

They basically rob someone to payback a loan shark...amd then use the stolen money for pills and gambling. Woohoo...suprise suprise...the chick gets pissed when they come up short and goes on a gun rampage headshotting anyone she talks too.

Uma Thurman spend the better part of the movie running like a stung mouse and trying to evade the loan shark all while her man is is stumbling around in a pill induced delerium with no actual point to his character .
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