Fall (I) (2022)
If you need to ask if you should see this film,
6 September 2022
Just scan for the reviews from "PROFESSIONAL CLIMBERS" and watch their meltdowns as if anyone cares or expected an instructional documentary. Now subtract all those pointless reviews from "life of the party" reviewers and see how high the ratings are. Some people just like to tell the world how much more they know or have the need to be identified as something learned cause they are empty inside. No one cares about the technical aspects in this. And no one is impressed you learned to tie a rope or adjust a carabiner like any monkey could. They care about enteratinment, not your claim to fame of knowing how to use a rope.

(ps, Im a PROFESSIONAL tree climber.. Its not difficult at all so i cant stand hearing other climbers act like they are geniuses cause they do it. Rocks are no different. All easy to do and learn. These climnbers pat themselves on the back as much as cops do. Both without reason)

If you want fear, YOU GET FEAR!!!! END OF!!!
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