Magnum, P.I.: Home from the Sea (1983)
Season 4, Episode 1
Old memories teaching my heart.
16 August 2022
I remember this as the very first episode of Magnum I ever watched on tv as a kid. I would've been five and half years old and I distinctly remember this show as being my mother's favorite. There she was riveted to the old Admiral TV on a Thursday night as we turned on CBS. I remember how as a child I thought this show must've meant something otherwise mom wouldn't have been so engrossed in it, and considering I was taking swimming lessons at the time, this episode indelibly burned into my child's imagination in late September of 83'. I was scared and enamored as I watched and yet I knew somehow Magnum would pull through. I know I'm simply reminiscing here, but as I am watching it again, 39 years later on dvd, this episode still speaks to me. This whole series of Magnum has a very special and revered place in my heart. Campy, silly, sometimes stupid, and yet, it has always caught me, like so many of us. It made me realize what it meant to be a man of character, honor, and to have sensitivity to everyone I meet. Where has this kind of television gone. Sigh, a good glass of scotch and a night in alone watching's meta in its own sort of way, because I learned to find pleasure in this behavior by what I've already seen from the series. I love the simple and yet profound things such as this. And yet, where are they now?
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