6 of the top actors are women!!
31 July 2022
I LOVE that 6 of the top actors are women. It's a quasi-humorous fight movie except with women and there's just not enough of these kind of movies out there, imo. I get soooo tired of seeing marvel comic type movies, or any movies in fact, that are full of male actors. The world is made up of 51% women, so why aren't 51% of the lead roles female?

This movie was stylish, with great set designs, and some fun spins on old trops.

The only thing I would change is : 1) They could've improved the fight scenes or certainly done several takes so that they looked more real. And the final scene in the diner was a single camera shot that didn't work b/c at least one actors missed their que and would have been dead in real life with a fatal neck wound. 2) Get rid of the green screens and film in the real world when "outside". 3) Beef up action scripts and lose the worn clichés. When you have really good actresses, don't give them a weak script.

In conclusion, I think the only reason the ratings are so low, is because of misogyny. I've seen it before with good movies with strong female leads. The push is always more action movies with men as leads, but women love action movies with women leads and deserve more of them. I think a sequel could be even better.
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