Its a really well done series.
3 July 2022
StarTrek SNW is a really decent prequel to TOS, and keeps a lot of the "feel" of the original crew.

Ive watched 9 episodes and they are all great about 80% of the time. It keeps me coming back which is important.

The goods ---For the actors they picked a perfect Capt Pike, Spock is a good choice, nurse Chapple is another amazingly good choice, the character that is Number One is good but under utilized, Ohura is decent, I think the security office is a pretty good choice as well.

The special effects, the sets and the props were really amazing and did a great job of following the continuity and authenticity of the brand. The storyline often really good, sometimes slow, and on a couple of occasions not good at all, but not enough to chase me off.

The bads --- equally awful choices of characters and or character development is the Dr who seems to whisper whenever he talks, with the strong accent its nearly impossible to understand him (terribe), and Ortegas who in my opinion is the attempt to install the token woke role, its actually insulting that the writers felt they had to give this character a stereotypical hair style as an identifier, really small thinking in my opinion.

I like this series, and will continue watching until a time that the writers screw it up with trying to inject woke type messaging into the storyline.

Why the StarTrek brand had been around since the 60s and still loved by many, is the simplistic nature of the storylines and the great way they worked out each episode, without muddying it up with garbage.

Lets hope SNW doesnt end up like so many failed attempts to change the recipe that made people love the show!
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