Poor poor Wanda
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest issue I have with this film is the treatment of Wanda (scarlet witch). Wandavision was superb, the best LIVE ACTION superhero show I've seen, but this film felt like such a disservice to her character. It felt as though they'd gotten bored of this version of her and wanted to get rid, which is a huge mistake, as she's so unique and interesting. What didn't make sense in this film was that wandavision was all about her trying to have a life with vision, including kids. In this, it's like she forgot Vision entirely and just moved on and focused on the kids... which makes no sense to me. Surely in one of the universes where her kids exist, Vision would too? She was just as obsessed with Vision as she was about her kids, so she'd surely want both? It just felt like someone behind the scenes had gone, "well, we're part of Disney now. Let's go with the evil mother trope and leave it at that." Also, the film felt incredibly sexist. In Wanda's own words- "You break the rules and you become the hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair." Yeah, it's not fair Wanda, why is it that when you get the super powered evil book, everyone's after you and thinks you're a monster, but when strange gets it, he somehow ends up being ok? Yeah, we saw in one or two universes the book corrupting him, but in our universe, he has somehow mastered its effects, whereas Wanda couldn't. Was Wanda too emotional to handle the book? Massive eye roll. I just hate how they built scarlet witch up to be this crazy powerful unstoppable force that was going somewhere and then they just got rid of her, like, move over scarlet witch, dr strange is the real boss, we're bored of your love sick girly whining. Wanda didn't deserve this treatment.
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